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Adventures Are About To Get Miraculous

As the end of summer approaches, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of calm gratitude & giddy excitement as I look 👀 ahead at what’s to come. A new baby AND my first book?! HOLY FRIJOLES! Next week begins a new month, back-to-school, an incredible new launch you’ll want to be on my email list to hear all about, & what feels like an entirely new chapter for our family. ⁣ Lots of late nights in, we still have LOTS to do to prepare for this new season (including busting out all our adorable fake pumpkins, because ya girl LOVES fall... & @HobbyLobby, which is a lethal combination)!⁣🍁 But no matter the to do list, no matter the stretching & the molding that comes with new seasons like this, my heart is so full, it feels hardly anything but grateful. ⁣ I’d rather live a life making waves for what matters than coast through my day’s just because it’s more comfortable. ⁣ If God’s asking you to change something, to do something different, to go after a big hairy impossible goal... I promise you it’s worth doing. He won’t ask forever. In fact, if you ignore Him long enough, He will leave you to your old way of life & find somebody else who is willing. ⁣ But if you follow Him, my friend... BUCKLE UP. Adventures are about to get miraculous. ✨⁣ #MadeforBrave

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