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Never. Give. Up. Hope

We had just decided we were ready to start trying to have baby number three. But, since it took us a year to get pregnant with Emery (my #rainbowbaby number 2), I figured it might take just as long... And, of course nothing is promised, so I wasn’t even sure if another sweet biological baby was in the works for us.⁣ And then... we got pregnant right away! Like RIGHT away. 😂 We were so excited for the very beginning, but that hasn’t stopped a couple random exclamations of “Holy crap, babe! We are having another baby!!” 😍⁣ I always wanted three or four kids. But I lost sight of that vision after my first pregnancy at 24 ended in a miscarriage. Then, I lost sight of it again in my mid twenties, when my first love, my baby daddy (my husband) died. I didn’t want to parent without Nick, and I certainly couldn’t imagine EVER finding another man I could love or would want to have children with. 😟⁣ For a time, I would have bet my life that being a mom of multiple kiddies (or even any at all) wasn’t in the cards for me. It’s surreal to think we’ll have another set of pitter pattering feet in the #GaliosHouse in just five months! No matter how many highs & lows are on your journey. No matter how many times your dreams have shattered. Never. Give. Up. Hope. Everything’s impossible until it happens. And believe me when I say, the way things are unfolding is a beautiful part of a greater & grander plan than you could ever imagined. ✨⁣ You simply have to trust & believe that He can work it ALL together for good. ⁣ #MadeforBrave

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