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There Is Hope

Y’all wanna know something CRAZY?

There’s two viral videos you may have seen that you didn’t realize were connected in any way. But they’re intrinsically, almost ironically, miraculously so.

One that was essentially my late husband talking to our daughter, who was then 7 months old on a brown couch. He was 27. He had cancer. He was dying. And, he was telling her how BIG God’s plan for her life was, that he regretted he wouldn’t be here to watch it unfold, but that he trusted she would be well taken care of. That video has now been viewed over 94 MILLION times, world wide, & has been translated into multiple languages. I prayed so hard he would be healed y’all. I would have traded my life. We did everything we could. But, he passed away two months later.

The second video was me talking to our daughter, now five years old, adopted by my second husband. I was telling her that a little baby was growing in my tummy. She had BIG faith that God would pull through with a sister for her. And, she told us that day that she’d been praying for one. She didn’t know I’d already experienced two miscarriages. This is a story of answered prayers... It’s gone viral in its own right, at 3.9 Million views last I saw.

Two videos. Two stories. Same little girl. The end of one life. The beginning of another... prayers that seemed to go unanswered & another set that came fully true.

I don’t think many people realize that the small bald baby in the first video that lost her daddy is the same girl now blonde & grown & believing in a God who is bigger than life .... & bigger than death.

Many people saw the first video & questioned my husband’s sanity. “How could you believe in a God that loves you when He’s doing this to you??”

Y’all, I had the same question then. And, it only got worse after He died. It was only once I let go of who I thought God *should* be, that I opened myself up to truth & to miracles & to seeing past what this world has to offer... that I figured out who our Creator really is.

He IS love. His ways are crazy mysterious & confusing as heck sometimes. But, in the end, He is working all things... the good and even the bad things... EVERYTHING together for those who love him.

We might not see a beautiful ending this side of Heaven. Our prayers might not get answered at all. Or in the way at least that we’d wished they would. It might feel sloppy, heavy, & downright crappy at times here, which used to confuse me. But, that doesn’t really mean anything to me anymore.

Because I know this end here. It isn’t it. This place isn’t IT. It’s not the end. Allll the loved hearts... they still beat!!

Have hope for your future!! Seek truth!! & please don’t give up on your prayers or your miracles!! I KNOW without a doubt they exist. And, I truly think, I am living one of them. ✨

This is part of why I'm telling this story. This is why I'm writing this book. I know someone out there needs to know. There is hope. alyssagalios .com/book

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