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I spent SO MUCH of my life saying “one day...” One day, I would live life on my own terms. One day, I would write my book. One day, I would spend more time with my family. ⁣ But, “One day” never came. Not until I made the decision to stop waiting for the perfect time and just START. ⁣ When my best friend & husband was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at 25 years old, I was 15 weeks pregnant. And I realized, swiftly, with what felt like a sudden punch to the gut that “someday” would NEVER come unless I made it happen. ⁣ I’m SO INSPIRED by the girls who decide to change their own worlds. By the underdogs. By those who start ANYWAY. Even when & especially when they feel like they don’t have their ish together. Because. That. Was. Me. ⁣ I joined a community of babes when I was a widowed single mom because I knew I wanted to change my life but I didn’t know how. I was sick of sitting on the sidelines of my own life so I decided to do something about it & at the very least surround myself with women who were making strong decisions & loving themselves. ⁣ And, because I know there are babes out there who feel just like I did... who are LOOKING for that leg up & that way out, I’m opening up 15 spots ONLY for select women who want to make a massive impact in the world & become the kind of person they’ve always wanted to be. ⁣ What does freedom look like to you? ⁣ ✨ FREEDOM from living paycheck to paycheck⁣ ✨ FREEDOM to spend time with your family ⁣ ✨ FREEDOM from spending your life wishing things would change⁣ I’m taking on >> 15 BOSS BABES << before the end of the year who want to focus on their own health & fitness but also want to help influence others to do the same, while building toward freedom. ⁣ If this sounds like something you are interested in, drop your email below (without the .com) or shoot me a PM. You’ll keep saying “ONE DAY,” my friend, until you finally think “Enough is enough, dangit. TODAY is DAY ONE.”⁣

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