Chase Your Dreams
The number one reason people decide NOT to go after their dreams?? Because they “don’t know how.” Y’all, I NEVER knew how to write a book until I wrote this one. I NEVER knew how to be a mom until I became one. I NEVER knew how to run a business until I just did it & figured it out along the way.
So often we let ourselves off the hook when it comes to our goals because we don’t know HOW to get to where we want to go. But, you can’t stop before you’ve even tried. We have GOOGLE these days, folks. EVERY SINGLE THING is figure-out-able & building dreams only happens one day (or one word) at a time.
Speaking of words, I’ve been working up a storm over here on my book! If you follow my INSTA stories, you’ve seen it!! Many of you know that this project has been on my heart for YEARS but that I finally felt the green light in 2017 & started to MAKE. ISH. HAPPEN. ✨
I finished up the manuscript at the end of last year, just before Emery was born &, despite my best intentions, my book got pushed to the back burner for a bit because, well, baby & business & LIFE!!
But I’m proud to say that we are back in action & making some huge strides in putting together the right team for a successful launch!!
It might not all be unfolding as quickly as I would have liked. But, y’all, I’M NOT STOPPING... because this story of struggle, to exapansion, to surrender.... it NEEDS to be heard.
Root for me? Pray for me? & if you know any good book agents... kidnap them for me? 😜hehe
YOU & ME?! We got this, folks!!! Let’s not EVER stop chasing our dreams!!!