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MOM-TRE-PRE-NUER ⁣ Honestly, I always new I wanted to create my own path, my own life... I was introduced to the start up world fresh out of college and so many things about it appealed to me. ⁣ I never imagined that I would be doing it LIKE THIS though. I always thought I would need to work to build SOMEONE ELSE’s dreams for longer & while our success has CERTAINLY not happened overnight, let me tell you that the fact that our overhead is basically NON EXISTENT makes a huge difference! Our business runs online and we partner with such an incredible company that handles so much of the backend work. It’s actually INSANE!! ⁣ INSANE to think that I was able to start up this business WHILE working a full time job as a single mom. However, I didn’t start it because it was cheap. And, I honestly didn’t even start it because I thought I could make “real money” doing it. (The whole thing just sounded too good to be true, to be honest.) I started it because I felt so good after joining MY coach’s fit tribe that I knew it would be FULFILLING & downright FUN to be a coach! ⁣ To the babe out there who thinks you don’t have the time or money to chase your dreams... it’s time to take those excuses off the table & fess up. If you wanted it bad enough, you COULD do it. ⁣ It’s 100% up to us to change our lives. God can give us all the talent in the world but if we walk around complaining about our lack of resources, we can’t expect Him to give us more. In fact, we can’t even be surprised if He takes it back & passes it along to somebody else. Somebody that’s actually going to use it...

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