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The Secret is Out!

YOUU GUYYYS!!! I’ve been sitting on a secret for the last week & been DYING to let y’all in but was just told I can FINALLY share!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

EEEE!!! I have been selected to take part in the all new private PILOT Test Group for a BRAND NEW incredible fitness program releasing early next year!! It’s with one of my ALL TIME FAV trainers, Shaun T, who created INSANITY & T25 to name just a few - these will be 20 min long workouts that will get you AMAZING results & a KILLER mindset shift. 💕

I’m LEGIT DYING of excitement & GRATITUDE that I get to be a part of this from the ground level!! THIS. IS. INSANE.😍😭😍

I CANNOT even tell you guys what a HUGE opportunity this is & such a small number of people are chosen. I literally still can hardly believe it! 🙉

AHHHH!! I CANNOT WAIT to share all the ins-&-outs of this brand new program with our team, our fit tribes & with y’all!! Ahhh!!

This is SO AMAZING!!!! 💕💯 And I’m SO PUMPED!! Can you tell?!

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