Be Brave. Be Present.
I wasn't sure about much... but I was sure of ONE thing. I wasn't going to allow myself to live a life that wasn't deserving of the chance I'd been given.
I was sick of holding back. Sick of living small, of living scared. I prayed for strength, I called on bravery & I stood up... again. This time, I knew if I ever went back down, it wouldn't be for long.
Single. Widowed. Mom. These words defined my circumstance.
Brave. Bold. Beautiful. These were the things I chose instead.
This journey to a better version of me was NOT going to be comfortable. But, staying where I was wouldn't be comfortable either. With the help of my Creator I was able to see my life for what it REALLY was... a mysterious & majestic display of His power. And, me & him... we got to work.
I'm here to make a difference. I'm here to make an impact. And, I'm not afraid to tell you that I think - YOU. ARE. TOO.
Be Brave. Be Present. Be Good. Make it all count for something for me, will ya? xo
>> BRAND NEW Brave Babe Fit Tribes Launching NOW. Message me for deets.
>> FOLLOW my DAILY adventures on IG: @alyssagalios
>> STAY UP TO DATE w/the book project: alyssagalios. com/book