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Earning the right to be spontaneous!

Austyn, our five year old, started swim lessons this week!!! 😍 Yesterday was DAY TWO.

Jay & I had spent the entire morning & early afternoon being all sorts of productive >> organizing things for our next fit tribe, gearing up for a new meal plan for ourselves starting Monday, & we EVEN packed Austyns swimsuit AND towel IN ADVANCE. (**If you follow me on Instagram stories you know why this is a MAJOR #momwin 😂). I had spent quite a few hours working on my book.... And, then we had a team training call planned for last night for a team of over 2,000 coaches that my LITTLE SIS (who freaking rocked it BTW) was hosting.

Needless to say, our Wednesday’s (especially before the launch of a new Tribe) are always pretty busy!! 💃🏼

So, 3 pm rolls around & just as Jay is walking out to door to take Austyn to swim, I decide in that split second... “I want to go, too!!”

Sitting on the edge of that pool yesterday, with my arm around my husband, watching our five year old splash around with the biggest smile on her face (she waved at us every three minutes 😆) while our little 8 week old sat in her car seat staring up at us... Y’all. Nothing. Like. It. 💕

“Mom, I’m SOO happy the whole famiwee could come to my swim lessons today!” We were at a nearby restaurant for some after swim eats. Austyn grinned wide as she shoved yet another piece of pizza in her mouth. I learned over & squeezed her into me, just before taking another bite of mine. 🍕

Running a business together while simultaneously raising babies?? Not always easy. Our weeks have been flying by at a million miles an hour. We have to plan out our time together. Be intentional with it.

But, DANNNG, I am so glad we earned the right to be SPONTANEOUS, too. 🙋🏼‍♀️

Absolutely LOVE doing life with this man!! Pretty sure this co-parenting, co-owning, co-remembering-towels sitch is one of my most favorite adventures yet! 😘

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