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Looking For Our DREAM TEAM

Y’all should SEE my whiteboard and my desk right now. GOALS on GOALS on GOALS!!! & my MAIN GOAL in my business this year is to PAY ALL OUR SUCCESS FORWARD! 💁🏼‍♀️👉🏼🙋🏼‍♀️

I’m looking for my 2018 DREAM TEAM!! 20 GIRL BOSSES in the making!! 🤗

I’m looking for a girl who is passionate about health & fitness, helping others, and building her life on her own terms!!!!! 💋

>> If you LOVE travel & DREAM about a business where you can work from anywhere... ✈️

>> If you believe that your STORY & struggles could help inspire others because it can’t have happened for nothing... 🙏🏼

>> If you would LOVE to create your own schedule & aren’t afraid of a little hard work... 👩🏼‍💻 &&&

>> If you LOVE the idea of GIVING BACK and serving OTHERS on a daily basis... 💗

Then YOU might just be MY GIRL! 😍

You DO NOT need to have a background in business. 🙅🏼‍♀️You DO NOT need to be in perfect shape. 🙅🏼‍♀️ You don’t have to have a huge network... 🙅🏼‍♀️but you DO have to have lead with HEART & be ready to HUSTLE! 💕

IF you’re obsessed with sweat pants & working from home, focusing on improving your life & the lives of others, dreamy chocolate smoothies, and building a life that you DON’T need a vacation from... THEN that’s even better!! 👍🏼

We’ve only been in business for a year & a half but we’ve grown in leaps & BOUNDS! From just me to over 200 coaches. From just my personal fitness journey to personally helping over 500 people on THEIR fitness journeys. 💪🏼 From me working this part time to BOTH my husband and I “retiring!” 🎉

My focus last year was MY business, figuring out what worked for ME & then working out the kinks for what worked for other coaches on our team, too! 📝

My FOCUS for 2018, however, has shifted. I won’t stop helping others on their health journeys, EVER!! But,THIS YEAR, I’m making it a MAIN FOCUS to help OTHER babes find the SUCCESS in their businesses, too!!! ✨

MESSAGE ME if you want details on if this is the right fit for you & so I can see if YOU are the right fit for our TRIBE!! 👯‍♀️

Don’t be bashful! You know where to find me... 😘

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