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Are YOU ready to START?

I had everything I needed and then some... I didn't HAVE to start an online health and fitness coaching business. When Jay and I got married, his corporate salary took care of our bills. ☺️

SO, WHY did I decide to keep coaching??? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Because from the beginning, getting healthy changed my life. #truestory I was able to CURE my "incurable" auto immune disease 😍, remedy my constant back pain from an old auto injury 💪🏼, lose 6 pounds and two dress sizes 👙, AND get my ENERGY BACK (the main thing I was going for)! 💃🏻

Because, from early on I saw the IMPACT and the REACH that this little coaching business was making in people’s lives… ✨ The positivity, the confidence, the hope, and the LIGHT that GOD is spreading through my measly efforts and I CANNOT STOP SHARING THAT. 🙌🏼

Because, HOW do you QUIT?

How do you quit doing something that you KNOW is HELPING people in BIG ways? Bettering their lives? Bettering their existence? Betting their family? 🙏🏼

I don't think you do… I know I CAN'T.

Are YOU ready to START?? 💋

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