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The Day-to-day

What does our day-to-day looks like as a FULLTIME-work-for-ourselves-family?? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Welp, everyday is pretty DIFFERENT!!! 🦄🦋✨

But, it ALWAYS, involves:

☕️ quiet time in prayer & PRESENCE

💪🏼 a killer 30m workout that serves RESULTS

🍫 a DELISH chocolate superfood shake

👩🏼‍💻 checkin in with the FAB busy babes in my online fitness accountability group!!

💌 SMILES responding to messages & emails

👨‍👩‍👧 PLUS, random adventures with my FAM!

Sprinkled in there are lunch dates with my favorites 🍜, calls with my book coach (!!) 📚, helping out at church 🙏🏼, chilling with the neighbors 🏘, dance parties with Austyn 💃🏻, loving on our friends, and making & eating DELICIOUS healthy foods 🥗!

And on days like TODAY, it includes PEACIN' OUT at 11am for an adventurous road TRIP with the entire fam!! ✌🏼🚘👏🏼

If you want more DEETS >>> Follow US on Instagram & check out my stories!! 💕

What are "stories??" 👉🏼 Just follow me on Instagram & click on my profile pic to watch.... 😍 it's like a video play by play!!)


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