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The Power of Compounding!

I sit at this desk most days in our home office right off our kitchen (well, unless I want to sit on my couch, or in a coffee shop or I'm working from an airport... hehe) & I MARVEL at what God has done. 😍

It all started with a $160 investment in my health. And that investment has COMPOUNDED time & time again this last year... It's returned DIVIDENDS as it morphed into the most incredible at-home-business that not only pays all the bills but fills my heart CLEAR UP to here!!!! 🙋‍♀️

You guys, the REASON I do this though isn't for the money. Its for the LIVES changed. 💫🦋

TODAY, I was on the phone with a friend who JUST finished 3 weeks with us & she said "I can't believe what God has worked through this! In three weeks, he's used this to calm the #stomachissues I've had for YEARS!" 👏

I had another challenger say today, "This has been SOOOO helpful with my #depression. I am so thankful I chose this over meds!" 🤲

THIS isn't JUST about making money. Or JUST about MY OWN journey you guys. I mean, I share it with you, but moreso for me, its about EVERYBODY ELSE'S journey! Because if I can inspire ONE MORE SOUL to live a healthier, happier, longer life... then, I've done my job for the day.


Now, off to chat with some of my accountability babes who are just ROCKING it this month & reaching all sorts of personal goals and we still have a week left!!! #tearinitup

If you're AT ALL curious in the business side of things or you're just even looking to get your health back on track (or even just find out how to keep it there), I'm only a message away... 👩‍💻

If y'all are scared, don't be. TRUST that there is a plan here at work bigger than you... And no, its not just Facebook algorithms. 😉

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