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ANYTHING is Possible

NOTHING is certain, ANYTHING is possible, & our creator is INFINITE.

☝🏼 PRESS this into your consciousness. ☝🏼

Because I am NO ONE special. I'm just a girl who ATE up the present, believed in a FUTURE & followed her dreams, one day at a time... ✨

We ALL have within us a CALL to be something INCREDIBLE. A desire to fly above the crowd. A desperation to LIVE a LIFE WORTHY of the breaths we take...

You might be called to open an orphanage in Uganda. Your calling might be wrangling your littles into diapers while wiping up spilled orange juice. It might be becoming a lawyer or an artist. Or opening up your own business so that you can TRAVEL while making a HUGE impact on people's lives & wellness (🙋🏼).

& YET, SO MANY of us are TOO AFRAID take the initial leap towards our DREAMS. Too worried that we might fall. Too worried of what others might think. 😬

But... Y'ALL! What do you have to lose?!

>> Do NOT be afraid of failure. Be afraid of being in the exact same place a year from now. <<

I NEVER would have guessed, in a million years, that I would be here, or that I would be helping other people reach their goals too. I could cry for all the lives changed in this last group. It makes me so STINKING happy!! Because I SEE mind, body & soul change, POSSIBILITY realized, & JOY uncovered! 😍

And, for that reason alone... For them. For you. I am NOT quitting... In fact, I am just getting started... ❤️

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