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Made For Brave Going to the UK!


& I cannot even tell you how much this means to me!! ❤️

My dear friend, Dawn Green, had been so proud of me when I started this health & fitness business one year ago. I had NO idea what would come of it. But, she was EXCITED about what I was doing, believed in me, & told me that she "KNEW" I would do big things with this business... Make an IMPACT on the world. 🙏 The SECOND we were able to get our business functioning in Europe, she promised to be my first official U.K. client.

Unfortunately, Dawn passed away last year, but you can BET your BRITCHES that I'll continue to help as MANY of my friends get a handle on their health as possible!! 😊

>>> I'm SO INCREDIBLY EXCITED to announce that we are now going to be able to help friends not ONLY in the United States & Canada but ALSO across the pond!! 🇬🇧️ <<<

I can't tell you what a blessing all the GROWTH has been for our family; health-wise, spiritually, financially, mentally... just so much ABUNDANCE from a little decision to FINALLY get fit!! I cant even believe it!! 🙌

THIS is a HUGE opportunity to grow our business and help more people than ever—on a global scale! 🌍

I CANNOT wait to share all of this LOVE & good stuff with my British friends!! And, I see this as just another PERFECT excuse (like I needed more) for another trip to a few of my all time FAVORITE cities & favorite people, too! 😄

Now is the FREAKING BEST time to be a coach!!

Keep an eye on our world, y'all!! This is JUST the beginning!! 😁

PS. We will QUICKLY be expanding to other markets on the heels of this launch. Comment below if you want to be kept in the loop & which country you want us to serve NEXT!! 🤗

PSS. In light of the terrorist attack in Manchester, a few caring souls have deemed it necessary to warn us against travel, etc. We are PRAYING for the people of this world, no matter what. But a risk of danger will not stop us from helping our neighbors, no matter where they reside in this world. ❤️

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