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Cheers & Tears (Happy Ones!)

So.. BASICALLY... today was HUGE. 🤗 I NEVER want to forget the things that happened today. I've spontaneously HAPPY CRIED two SEPARATE times. Do you want to know how many times in my life I have EVER spontaneously HAPPY CRIED TWO TIMES in ONE day in my whole life?! Literally only TWO other times. ✌️ In this little (read: NOT SO LITTLE) coaching world of ours, Thursdays are BIG days. Its PAYDAY!! #holla AND, it's RANK ADVANCEMENT DAY!! 😍 We woke up to not only 4 RANK ADVANCEMENTS on our team but TWO One-Star Diamond Qualifiers! THIS IS HUGE!! 💃 In less than a year, we've helped not one, not two, but THREE coaches advance to Diamond RANK. TO SAY I AM FLOORED would be an understatement. 💎💎💎 I also got a call today from an INCREDIBLE human being who is running an AMAZING podcast for one of the top health & fitness companies in the WORLD. 🌎 Getting the call today that she wanted me on, asking if we could record on the spot, for potentially THOUSANDS of listerners made my heart race, it made me talk fast, made my palms sweaty. But, you know what? I had an opportunity to share my story & I DID my darn best. God's got the rest of it! 🎧 AND... ON TOP OF ALL THAT... I got a message from the rep that I work with inside the company we've partnered with... SHE MESSAGED me a DAY EARLY to tell me that she had the Elite Points for this last month in front of her and that I had ADVANCED RANK, AGAIN!!! Pitted against the other 450,000 coaches out there... And, y'all.... Im climbing to the top!!! Sharing the OFFICIAL standings with you TOMORROW!! Feeling INSANELY blessed! 🍰 #humblePIEyo Right now, what do I feel?! Mainly, disbelief. Disbelief that THIS is my life. I read a book recently about how we tend to reach a big goal & self sabotage because we can't handle the success... Because we don't feel worthy. 😬 The author hit the nail on the head on that one for me. I DO NOT feel worthy of this life I've been living. But, I AM going to keep living it, I'm NOT going to mess it up, I AM going to keep soaking up EVERY GOOD THING & spreading around all this positive juju like my life depends on it!! 😼 YOU GUYS!! Two years ago, you would have found me holed up in my house working on Content Creation for OTHER entrepreneurs. I was good at my job. I made good money. But I was writing about things I was NOT JUMP-OUT-OF-BED passionate about (like tattooed on lip-liner #nojoke). 😂 I've actually had a LOT of great jobs in my life, even a GREAT career in my early to mid-twenties before I broke out on my own. BUT, I've NEVER had something feel so... RIGHT. 🙅 THIS... THIS, my friends is so much more up my alley. 😊 SO DANG FAR UP my alley in fact, that it don't even feel like an alley anymore... It just feels like a DESTINY. ✨ We went out to dinner as a family, Austyn smiled through dinner, we went to Target for Mother's Day gifts for the moms in our life, I opened up our next online fitness challenge group, we had TWO random dance parties as a fam!! AND I did a workout with my little. & NOW, we CELEBRATE. 🥂🍾🥂 You should too!! 🤗 WHY? Because, DANGIT, the fact that we are ALIVE is reason ENOUGH! 🙏 #sodangthankful #MadeforBrave #MFBCoachingRankAdvance #21DaystofitwithAlyssa 

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