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Curling My Hair & Dont Even Care

Jay snapped this photo of me as I was getting ready this morning & something caught my eye. ME. 😍 Wait, wait, wait. 😂 Hear me out... What I saw was the STRENGTH in ME. The POWER I've built up in my muscle tone over this last year (in particular) is REALLY showing. 💪🏼 But, not JUST in the mirror you guys. In >> LIFE!! 👏🏼🤗💕✨👍🏼 In the past, among OTHER issues: ☹️ My feet used to go numb from sitting too long in one position. (Too long being like TEN minutes!) 😩 My back hurt CONSTANTLY. (5 bulging discs from an accident TEN years ago will do that to ya.) 🤦🏼‍♀️ And curling my hair?? NOT happening unless I was ready to endure a searing shooting pain up my right side. 🔥#notagoodburn I was talking to another youngin like me last night.... & she's experienced some of the SAME issues! 👯 #twinning At 29 years old, we both had researched EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE solution to chronic back pain, tried yoga , chiropractic, doctors, even random internet gimmicks & NOTHING had worked!! ☹️👎🏼🙀 But, I got a chance to tell her about what has worked for me! That EVERY FREAKING GLORIOUS DAY, 😁 I now wake up WITHOUT back pain & that I'm not popping pills for that sweet relief. 😝#iditchedibuprofen It's NOT about looking a certain way. 🙅🏼 But it IS about being: >>STRONG enough to do ALL of your own hair (LEGIT benefit) 💁🏼 . >>HEALTHY enough to not constantly be battling a cold 💃🏻 . >> YOKED just enough to pick up your sturdy four year old 👩‍👧 . && CENTERED enough to hold my posture throughout the day without a second thought! 👌🏼 . The passion I have for health IS NOT superficial... but, it's FREAKING-OFFICIAL. >> I'm PASSIONATE about people living their best lives now because I know there are other people out there JUST LIKE PAST-ME. And I don't want you to suffer ANY longer. ✌🏼 I couldn't be more stoked to share some AMAZING changes to Made for Brave Fitness in the coming weeks! Y'all are gonna love it! 👊🏼 Until then, shoot me a message & let's figure out how to get YOU living your life as optimally as possible. OFFICIALLY. 💋 #curlinmyhairandmybackdontcare👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 #madeforbrave #21daystofitwithalyssa

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