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Set Your Soul on Fire

Haters gon' hate, babe. ESPECIALLY if YOU are living your life according to your own rules... 🤗 Here's the thing though. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 I get those haters. I do. If that's you, I GET YOU. Because I used to BE you. 😳 I used to think of all the things I could never do or be... I used to compare. 🙊 I used to wish but tell myself wishes weren't for real life. 🙄 That I could NEVER live *that* life. 🤥 BUT, INSTEAD of continuing to look at all the things I thought I could NEVER be, namely: 😊 a POSITIVE person 💪🏼 a HEALTHY person 🦄 a SUCCESSFUL person I changed UP my thought pattern. And I decided that I WOULD be those things, EXACTLY. 🤘🏼 I WOULD BE the person that my God created me to be. 🙏🏼 I WOULD BE the person that my late husband KNEW I could be. 💕 And, pretty soon, instead of saying I "would be like that someday." I just decided I WAS already EXACLTY THAT. >> Connected to my creator & living EVERY DANG DAY to it's absolute FULLEST! 💪🏼 << I made the decision to push me to my best, based on my WHY, & threw all my negativity to the curb. 🕺 Do I still have days of doubt? ABSOLUTELY. Do I let those days of doubt turn into a lifetime of holding me back? HECK.... NOOOO!!! 🤗 You guys... I CANNOT tell you enough how much this ONE LITTLE decision to join a random online accountability group changed my life. ✋🏼 I BARELY knew what the thing was when I joined, but... I HEARD loud & clear, the call on my heart to take the FIRST STEP in being the person I wanted to be.✌🏼 So, here I am, flaws & all, FACING this world & freaking EXCITED as all get out to TAKE. IT. ON. 💃🏻 If YOU feel a call on your soul for FIRE, for MORE, for HOPE... Message me! Like, NOW. 📬

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