HOW is THIS my JOB?!

If I could go back in time & talk to Alyssa from this time last year, oh man! I'd have had LOTS to say. 🙈 "Hey Alyssa, I know you're pretty set on how this whole "love-after-loss-second-marriage-thing" is going to work out. You know it'll be hard but you also know it will be worth it. You know that God & Nick set you up with the right guy. Your perfect second first. 1B. You've got peace there. That's awesome! But, I also know you are still trying to figure out the whole "career thing." That you feel a little lost there. And, you're a tid-bit (read: A LOT) confused on the passions God seems to be setting on fire within you. Because, they SEEM totally & completely different!! 1. You never want to give up writing (duh, always). 2. But writing is lonely & you CRAVE being around people & working with an effective team. 3. PLUS, something in your soul BURNS to be actively involved in helping other people FIND their strength & know their worth. You have that feeling right now, deep down in the pit of your stomach that's telling you that something big is coming.... just around the corner. But, you brush it aside as ever being related to your "career," because you don't see how ALL OF THESE passions could ever meld into one perfect job description... you don't see just how perfectly they could all fit into ONE amazing life chance. You don't see it...YET! But, one year from now, you'll realize that the WILD & CRAZY feelings & passions you've kept were meant for you all along. Keep trusting. Keep going. God's got you. ❤" ----------- NEVER DID I EVER imagine that a year later I'd be here!! Surrounded by a community of people that feel like family, that root for me & encourage me, reach out to & support me. The best team EVER!!! 😍#bestteamever THAT I would get to write about the things that matter to my heart. Strength, light, health, faith, family & love EVERY SINGLE DAY. 🙏🏼 That I would get to BE everything I ever wanted to be & show people everything I learned with Nick to help guide our generation toward LESS CANCER & more HEALTH! That I would be doing all of this with SO MUCH LOVE in my heart that it's about to explode!! 🤗 That EVERY DAY I would get an email, message or post about how what I am doing is ABSOLUTELY helping another. And... on top of ALL OF THAT (as if there need be more).... That I would feel like MY BEST ME, every dang day! 👏🏼 Someone PINCH me. This can't be real life! Except it is. 🙌🏼 SO DANG GRATEFUL. ❤ #sodangrateful #madeforbrave #coachlife#21daystofitwithalyssa #loveyourselfchallenge