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How to Find Your Place

This dream of yours is not mine. Are you okay with giving up your dreams for the one that I have for you? I can't tell you ANYTHING about it.... But I can PROMISE you that it's better than what your plan is. I PROMISE. But, you're gonna have to trust me... You're going to have to let go of what you are holding onto before I'll show you even a glimmer of what I have in mind. You ready??? ---- These are the words that were spoken to my heart... It took me years to finally say, "Yes. I'm ready. I trust you." Would you do it? Would you trust??? Would you be able to let go of your dreams not knowing what His dream for you is? ---- Now, every morning.... I CONSCIOUSLY choose HIS plan OVER mine. "I'm here, now. Use me." I've never in my life felt more fulfilled... though NOTHING of this life looks like anything I had ever dreamed.... 🙏🏼 #austynelizabeth #imhereuseme #faithoverfear#madeforbrave #followinghim #everystepeveryday#mycreator

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