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Commit. Commit. Commit.

Ever feel like your life is spiraling out of your control? Feel like you just can't get a grip or get anything right or get a clue? Ever feel overwhelmed, like your to-do list is going to take over the world? Like WHERE THE HECK DID THAT STRONG GIRL GO?!?!

CHEYEAHHHHH... Me too. I was having a bit of a pity party last night. So MANY things on my plate. So much to do. And, just so many hard things going on in friends' lives... The dark felt like it was overshadowing the light... But, THEN, I spent some time telling God the TRUTH of how I FELT, in all my messy. I spent time, matching the TRUTHS that are TRULY TRUE... The ones that are from HIM against the "manufactured truths" that my fickle feelings create... And, I realized, I don't have A THING to complain about. So, I made some goals for this week. Speak with the Creator of the Universe the second I wake up, EVERY SINGLE MORNING. Work out for a half hour before Austyn wake's up... And EAT WELL. I recognized that I might feel a bit down for the night but DETERMINED and DECIDED that the MORNING would be DIFFERENT. Then, FIRST THING this morning, I read this in my morning devotional>>> "Do not long for the absence of problems in your life. That is an unrealistic goal, since in this world you WILL have trouble... Begin each day anticipating problems, asking Me to equip you for whatever difficulties you will encounter. The best equipping is My living Presence, My hand that never lets go of yours. Discuss everything with me. Take a lighthearted view of trouble, seeing it as a challenge that you and I together can handle. Remember that I am on YOUR side, and I have OVERCOME THE WORLD." (Sarah Young, Jesus Calling) SERIOUSLY... GOD speaking RIGHT AT ME.. You too? He said you WILLL have troubles here, people. It's not smooth sailing.... BUT, we can be BRAVE and HAPPY and AWESOME anyway BECAUSE He has CONQUERED ALL DIS ALREADY!! You feel me?! SO, what to do if you are feeling down? In a funk? In a rut? Find the REAL TRUTHS that combat your FEELINGS, then get off your butt and do something to lift your spirits, go on a walk, call an old friend, make a delicious and nutritious meal. OR, if you are going to be stuck today, that's fine. EVERYONE has those days ONCE in a WHILE... But, MAKE A PLAN FOR TOMORROW and for the rest of the week. Do those things that make you Happy. COMMIT. COMMIT. COMMIT. Be brave enough to change your perspective... Be brave enough to change your life. TAKE CONTROL of what you can control and LET GO of what you can't. <3 THIS WEEK, I am going to be STRONG... I am going to be BRAVE! I am going to keep my priorities STRAIGHT!! Who is with me?!

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