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Love You More
Everyday, I swear I love you more. It’s not just the flowers or the way you wrap me up in your hugs at exactly the right moment. It’s not...

Failure is Part of the Journey
If you follow me on IG stories, you know by now that my favorite place to work basically spring through fall is our back deck. I love...

Lazy Person Fact
This made me laugh & it’s pretty dang true. Pregnant or not I wouldn’t read that number. You feel me? Plus, at almost #11weekspregnant,...

I'm Craving...
In other news, someone asked me yesterday what I’m CRAVING... With Austyn it was pepperoncinis, with Emery it was pineapple, & with this...

Ten Weeks!?
T E N W E E K S !! On one hand, I can’t believe how fast time has flown. On the other, this already feels like the #longestpregnancyever...

Building Our Lives
We’ve been building. Raising up our babies, building up our house into a home, and putting down roots. Our life might not...

D A T E N I G H T S!
D A T E N I G H T S . I used to think they were only something only the single & kidless did. Until I realized, that just like anything...

It's a GIRL
Our gender reveal results came back & we had my sister get them & put together a box FULL of the “results.” 💙 or 💗!! IT’S A.... 😍...

I Chose Differently, You Can Too
Y’all... 3 years into our coaching business & I can tell you, I still don’t LOVE working out. I DO love the results though. I LOVE having...

What's Your Guess?
1 DAY til we find out if BABY#3 is a BOY or a GIRL!! Did you know they have a blood draw now that only tests for gender that’s 99.6%...
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