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BABY BUMP UPDATE!! 14 WEEEKS!! This little nugget (or should I say “naval orange” 🍊) is already so loved, you guys! it’s unreal!! ...

Three Year Anniversary
Had a beautiful one night getaway with my man. Picture this. Jetted tub, hgtv, & room service, sans screaming children. What can I say?...

The Cravings are REAL!
The cravings have been absolutely REAL. Today I woke up wanting nothing more than a Chonga bagel & cream cheese. But these healthy habits...

Choice and Hope
I could have stayed on the couch, carried on the way I was. I could have lived the rest of my life stressed out, pissed off, crying on...

Apparel Shop is OPEN!!!
Made For Brave apparel shop is now open!! For 4 years as an Account Executive for one of the largest apparel distributors and...

Give Me All The Fruit!
I found “Baby Pineapples.” My life is complete... 💕🍍😜 Are you a pineapple lover like me OR did you crave fruit when you were...

You Said Yes!
3 years ago today, you said yes! You said yes to being my wife, yes to seeking adventures by my side, yes to raising children together,...

I Will Choose You Again and Again
My breath caught in my lungs at “death due us part.” I prayed it would last longer than just a little while... I begged God would spare...

Season of Waiting
Waiting is one of the things I’m the absolute worst at. Call it a weakness, a character flaw, what have you... I stink at it! But, I’m...

Dry Shampoo Is Life
Did you know that most DRY SHAMPOO’s have PROPANE in them?! Yeah.... I didn’t either & once I found out, every can I had went in the...
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