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One Life to Live
The GOAL of the 21 Days to FIt Challenge is NOT to get abs like mine. The goal of the 21 Day Challenge is to get abs like yours. We...

Our Honeymoon
"Are you guys on vacation?" A local and I had struck up a conversation on the weather, on the beaches, and on the state of the waves...

Second Firsts - We're MARRIED!!
I promise to seek God first, and to follow Him to a better version of myself. I promise not to let myself get comfortable, but to...

Commit. Commit. Commit.
Ever feel like your life is spiraling out of your control? Feel like you just can't get a grip or get anything right or get a clue? Ever...

Today Will Be a Beautiful Day
"You can't pour from an empty cup." Instead of trying to pour yourself out when you've got nothing left, do these three things. 🔜...

Trust Him
Life doesn't always turn out as we planned. But, we really aren't in charge of our days. And, thank God. Because my plan wouldn't...

A Healthy Take on Garlic Bread
Starting to feel SUPER OVERWHELMED with all the wedding, packing, house shtuff... So I organized the house best I could (clutter was...

Always Do Better
Do you live as if the following is true? "Faith, demonstrated through love, is the only thing that matters." -Francis Chan If true...

Generosity Always Multiplies
Let me tell you a story about a backpack. 💕💜💞 A young woman followed the signs to our garage sale this morning. She seemed to be in...

A new day IS coming
One Year Ago.... I was in the process of moving back to Seattle from the beaches of Florida. One Year Ago... I had no idea where my...
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