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Need a Kick in the Pants??
Need a kick in the pants?? Don't worry... I did too. LISTEN UP, MAMA. And listen HARD. Because I TRULY believe this stuff matters. YOU...

My Lil Sis
We don’t always get to pick our family members, but if somehow we did... I would 100% choose my lil sis! ✨ HOW INCREDIBLE that, instead...

Find Happiness
There is happiness to be found in every moment. One must only know how to look. ✨😌😍

Unapologetically Grateful
Spent Thursday out on the town with these two beautiful little girls & their earthly dad. 💕 I could have let it be a very sad one, but...

Life is MESSY
Living life is MESSY, y'all. In most every way. But, that fact used to bug the crap out of me!! Dirty laundry, dishes always in the sink,...

Making Up For Lost Time
I often go to the grocery store in the middle of a weekday with Austyn & Emery and will get asked from time to time, "Are you a stay at...

So Very Grateful
Those eyes tho... 😍 I couldn’t be more grateful for a love like this. Emmy Rose, you & your sister are my most favorite reasons to lose...

Birthday Adventure
Some of my favorite gifts are adventures, not things. Because who wants more 'stuff' when you've already got what you need. A couple...

Birthday Shenanigans
A huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY shoutout to my better half! LORD KNOWS, he deserves it!! 😍 It’s been a week of shenanigans celebrating this guy &...

A Beautiful, Beautiful Life.
25 years ago... I started my soccer career on the exact same field at the very same age. Now, that’s an incredible ( & aging ) thought!!!...
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